Hi, I'm JenniJune
& my
angel babies
changed my life! 

I experienced the heartbreak of a lifetime- having two separate ectopic pregnancies, where I was rushed into emergency surgery both times; tubes ruptured & told I was losing the babies I so longed to hold.

This devastated me. It broke me, but the love that poured through every cell in my body for my babies ended up transforming me.

My journey down the long and winding road of grief led me to explore the curiosity I always had for energy healing. I was at rock bottom, when I booked my first Reiki session. While laying, back to mat, looking up at a dated popcorn ceiling, my life began to change... I saw rainbow colors surround me- as if the Northern Lights were in my body- I sensed the presence of love around, and I felt movement in my chest beginning to shift the heavy brick that had settled there since those unforgettable days in the hospital. 

It's your turn to lay on the mat while we work with Angels and your Spirit Guides to shift stagnant energy in your body that's causing imbalances. You'll get to experience ancient methods of healing such as; harnessing the vibrations of sound, collaborating with the wisdom of Earth's herbs and elements. All while being held in loving support to shift what's been lodged in your energy field and open back up to love, joy & freedom so you feel like yourself again!

I begin dedicating my life to exploring all things energy & using this knowledge to connect with my angel babies, heal my wounded heart and help others who were also healing. This led me to the fascinating science of Ayurveda and studying the ancient ways of body, mind and spirit healing. For the past 4 years I've been helping others heal on their grief journey- using Energy Healing, Intuitive Guidance and the 5000 year-old wisdom of Ayurveda to find their way back home to their joyful soul's essence. 


Everything was going to plan. I was joyfully married to my soulmate, experiencing fulfillment in my dream job everyday, when suddenly my life got flipped turned upside down...

While laying on that mat, I realized an important truth: 


Energy is real
& Spirit
is all around us. 

While in session with me, we do things differently!

Book a Session

To the person walking around with a fake smile on your face, saying you’re fine, while every night you cry yourself to sleep. 

I see you. 

I see you because,I was you!

To the person buried in grief & pain; Disconnected from your life and longing to trade it in for someone else’s. 

I see you. 

To the person who secretly hates their body, feeling betrayed by it; Afraid to walk by a mirror naked because you cringe at what you see. 

I see you. 


You               know how to heal your wounds, I'm only here to help you   



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Current Student of Āyurvedic Practitioner Program at Ananda Ayurveda Academy- 2023


The official stuff that makes me qualified to do what I do...



Certified Ayurveda Health Counselor, 2022 Ananda
Ayurveda Academy


Karuna Reiki Master 2023 under Dawn Flemming
Karuna Reiki Level 1 & 2 -2021


Usui Reiki Master 2020 under Marie Zaanti Reiki
Usui Reiki Level 1 & 2- 2019


Internationally Certified Life Coach 2020, Beautiful You Coaching Academy 


Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss Facilitator Training- Institute for the Study of Birth, Breath and Death in 2020

Let the HEALING begin

I'm Ready!

"Jenni June is truly a miracle worker."

I received reiki from JenniJune and it was an absolutely life changing experience.

 It felt like I was at a spa! She helped me feel comfortable and safe (she even has a heated massage table!) Afterward, she shared an incredible message from my Spirit Guides and my body. The whole experience was incredibly emotional, but I felt really safe and held to release what came up and I've felt a lightness and strong sense of peace ever since. I highly recommend booking with her!

Michelle K. 


"The level of relaxation was unreal." 

My Ayurvedic facial with was absolutely divine. It's amazing how much JenniJune could sense about my entire body just through the Marma points on my face. Without me mentioning it at all and only through touching my face, she knew that I had a knot in my back that she went to working on as well! I was blown away! JenniJune is an incredible, intuitive healer and the Ayurvedic facial was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced! I highly recommend it.

Jules C. 


"JenniJune's deep compassion enveloped me in love every session!"

When I was struggling with pregnancy loss and infertility issues, I could easily find physical and mental health support but nothing to address the wounds and blockages I felt in my soul. Connecting with Jenni was such a wonderful experience for me. Her intuition is amazingly clear and strong because so many messages and insights came up that I could recognize as being very personal for me. The work I've done with her has been incredibly important for my healing and my soul's journey, and I highly recommend her for energetic healing and spirit-based guidance.

Amanda M.


"I found a new level of love for myself!"

I could not have done this without the 4-months I spent in coaching sessions with JenniJune! I came in feeling depleted, stuck and beating myself from regrets. JenniJune was fantastic to help me see beyond my words and taught me how to get into my own body for answers.

She worked with my energy field in each session and I'm now feeling more alive than ever and intentionally adding in moments in my days that bring me happiness! I could not have done this without JenniJune's loving support. 

Jacky L. 


"Jenni June holds the most safe and supportive space for healing!"

I've never had a reiki session before, so I was naturally nervous going into the session. Throughout the session, I felt as though I was in a safe space to open up and felt incredibly calm. I felt really peaceful for the first time in a long time. My body was light, and I felt grounded and calm emotionally. Thank you so much! 



"I’m so thankful I found JenniJune when I did!"

JenniJune’s work felt very gentle and kind. I was comfortable sharing my pain and being honest with where I was at. She truly listened and cared- I could of told her anything and I know she would not be judging me but instead holding me in love. 

I did her 7 Chakra week-long cleanse and I'm not sure what and how or why, but the day after each session, I woke up lighter, unburdened, and have been feeling in the flow for the last couple of months.  It was transformational!

Wendy C.


Change your
Self-Love game with Ancient Ayurveda Rituals!

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E-guidebook & the occasional 'when I feel Spirit call' newsletter.


Sacred. Authentic. Multi-sensory.          Portland, Maine