During a Healing with Horses session, you’ll settle in to the rhythm of the natural world and your own inner wisdom, cultivate compassion for yourself and others, and build the courage to step fully into your life with love and authenticity. You’ll learn to connect and communicate using your body language, breath, energy and intention. Every session is a bit different, as the participants and the horses create their own relationships and take the lead.

Sessions often include:
+ Exchanging greetings and communicating your intentions
+ Observing herd interactions including between mothers and foals
+ Asking for space without creating fear or disconnection
+ Supporting a horse that is uncomfortable or nervous
+ Inviting a horse to walk and/or rest with you
+ Grooming a horse to create comfort and connection
+ Moving quietly through the herd without disturbing the horses

Why Horses?

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Free Consultation

Serenity & Balance

Beautiful Soul, 


Each moment spent with these majestic creatures is a personal retreat into a sacred space; one that beckons your innermost wisdom and intuition to surface gently. Together, amidst the harmony of the horse herd, we traverse into the realm of unlimited possibilities within ourselves. Horses have a unique ability to sense and mirror human emotions. Their presence alone can induce a state of calm and mindfulness, helping us reconnect with our inner selves. Being around these majestic creatures allows our energy to harmonize with theirs, promoting a natural state of relaxation and grounding.

Embark on a transformative inner journey with our "Healing with Horses" program, where the timeless wisdom of horses meets the ancient practices of Ayurveda and Reiki. Led by an Ayurvedic Practitioner, JenniJune, who deeply loves and understands the healing power of horses, this offering is designed to help you discover who you really are, unmask layers that are keeping you stuck, find your inner calm & claim the glorious truth about who you were born to be! 

Through Equine Wisdom

What to expect...

Transformative Benefits: 

+ Holistic Healing: Integrate mind, body, and spirit through a comprehensive approach that combines the grounding energy of horses, the balancing principles of Ayurveda, and the healing power of Reiki.

+ Personalized Support: Receive tailored life-coaching & practices that address your unique needs, ensuring a customized healing journey.

+ Sustained Transformation: Develop long-lasting habits and insights that continue to support your well-being long after the sessions end.


Transformative Benefits:

Healing with Horses


What's Included:
+ One 90-minute New Client Consultation, including an Ayurvedic Assessment
+ Seven  60-minute Life-Coaching Sessions with Horses as your guide in Buxton, Maine.
+ Two 90-minute In-person Reiki Sessions at Pearl & Moon Ayurveda Studio in Westbrook, Maine. 
+ Ayurvedic Recipes customized to your Dosha to support your body
+ Ayurvedic Lifestyle Recommendations to support your mind
+ Journal Prompts and Meditation Recommendations to support your soul in between sessions.


Healing with Horses
10-week Package


*payment plans available

Schedule your
Free Consultation


Jeremy P.

I cannot say enough good things about working with JenniJune and the Horses! The unique approach to healing is exactly what I needed without knowing I needed it. I found peace within myself and transformed my relationship with my body! Every session was deeply moving. I highly recommend saying yes to yourself in this way!

Jacky L.

I came into these sessions feeling depleted, stuck and beating myself up from regrets. JenniJune was fantastic to help me see beyond my words and the horses taught me how to get into my own body for answers.

I now feeling more alive than ever and I could not have done this without JenniJune's loving support. 


This was a truly phenomenal program and a beautifully life changing sound bath! Words cannot adequately express how thankful I feel to have the opportunity to learn from JenniJune!

I am forever grateful!

JenniJune’s work felt very gentle and kind. I was comfortable sharing my pain and being honest with where I was at. She truly listened and cared- I could of told her anything and I know she would not be judging me but instead holding me in love.

This experience forever changed my life! 

Wendy C.

See What Clients are Saying! 

Schedule your complimentary
30-minute consultation call today to see if the Healing With Horses journey is right for you!

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Schedule your complimentary
30-minute consultation call today to see if the Healing With Horses journey is right for you!

Let the HEALING begin

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Sacred. Authentic. Multi-sensory.          Portland, Maine