Miscarriage & Infertility
are heartbreaking, emotional roller coasters.


Beautiful Soul, 

Maybe getting 

Every day you wake up with a heavy heart and sadness for the pregnancy loss you went through and wonder if you'll ever get to hold your baby in your arms. Or maybe every cycle has you wondering if this is will finally be the month you'll pee on a stick and see those two pink lines. 

The emotional roller coaster takes you on the highest of hopes and then dips into disappointment leaving you feeling angry, powerless, or overwhelmed. Most days feel lonely and you wish someone in your circle understood what you're going through.

You've always dreamed of being a parent. And while you thought it was going to be as easy as putting on your best lingerie and making love, you've found that's not always the case. 

You've always dreamed of being a parent. And while you thought it was going to be as easy as putting on your best lingerie and making love, you've found that's not always the case. 

been easy for you. 



Despite all the
ups & downs...
Hope Isn't Lost. 

Hope Isn't Lost.



Your new normal does not have to be feeling like an outsider in your own body, afraid to look at yourself in a mirror or weighed down by the suffocating tightness in your chest. 


You don't have to go through this alone!

Despite all the ups & downs, 

There's a way to be held in loving support as you honor your loss, to shift what's been lodged and open back up to love & joy so you feel like yourself again!


61% of women felt alone & unsure how to heal after miscarriage.

I'm in this 61% as well, which is why I created this specialized Healing package


Healing Hearts

Step into a world of profound healing and self-discovery with Ayurveda Practitioner, JenniJune's exclusive Healing Hearts Packages.

Designed with compassion and expertise, her holistic approach offers personalized coaching sessions, transformative Reiki healing, and nourishing Ayurvedic meal plans. Whether you're preparing for pregnancy, navigating loss, or seeking renewal, these packages provide the support and guidance you need to thrive.

Embark on a journey of healing and renewal today with
Healing Hearts Packages by Practitioner JenniJune and her compassionate caring team.

Customized Miscarriage & Infertility Healing for the Mind, Body & Soul.

Learn More

Who is this for?

This is for those who are...

Struggling to get pregnant whether naturally or with the support of medical treatments.  

Grieving from miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy or any type of pregnancy loss no matter how much time has passed. 

Recovering from abortion mentally or physically.

Seeking compassionate support to navigate grief and find inner peace.

Deciding to pursue a child-free lifestyle after infertility or pregnancy loss and looking for harmony. 

Women, Men, Non-Binary. This is a safe space for all.  


The Details

Find solace and support as you navigate the complexities of loss with our Healing Hearts package. Designed to provide compassionate guidance and healing for both In-Person & Virtual support. These packages offer a holistic approach to processing grief and finding inner peace.

Investment: $1.3k- 3k depending on your needs. 

What's Included

+ 8 to 16 weeks of Heart-Support by JenniJune
+ Ayurvedic Treatments with Reiki 
           +Kati Basti
           +Herd Basti
           +Sound Healing
+ Personalized Coaching Sessions to move through Grief and Open the Heart to cultivate a deep self-love. 
+ Ayurvedic Recipes customized to your Dosha to support your  body
+ Ayurvedic Lifestyle Recommendations to support your mind
+ Journal Prompts and Meditation Recommendations to support your soul. 

Schedule your complimentary 30-minute consultation call today to see if the Healing Hearts journey is right for you!

The Kind of results you can expect:

Increased self-compassion and acceptance

Alleviation of grief and emotional distress

Restoration of inner peace and emotional balance

Release of emotional blockages and increased clarity

*Payment plans offered

"Jenni June is truly a miracle worker."

I received reiki from JenniJune and it was an absolutely life changing experience.

 It felt like I was at a spa! She helped me feel comfortable and safe (she even has a heated massage table!) Afterward, she shared an incredible message from my Spirit Guides and my body. The whole experience was incredibly emotional, but I felt really safe and held to release what came up and I've felt a lightness and strong sense of peace ever since. I highly recommend booking with her!

Michelle K. 


"The level of relaxation was unreal." 

My Ayurvedic facial with was absolutely divine. It's amazing how much JenniJune could sense about my entire body just through the Marma points on my face. Without me mentioning it at all and only through touching my face, she knew that I had a knot in my back that she went to working on as well! I was blown away! JenniJune is an incredible, intuitive healer and the Ayurvedic facial was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced! I highly recommend it.

Jules C. 


"JenniJune's deep compassion enveloped me in love every session!"

When I was struggling with pregnancy loss and infertility issues, I could easily find physical and mental health support but nothing to address the wounds and blockages I felt in my soul. Connecting with Jenni was such a wonderful experience for me. Her intuition is amazingly clear and strong because so many messages and insights came up that I could recognize as being very personal for me. The work I've done with her has been incredibly important for my healing and my soul's journey, and I highly recommend her for energetic healing and spirit-based guidance.

Amanda M.


"I found a new level of love for myself!"

I could not have done this without the 4-months I spent in coaching sessions with JenniJune! I came in feeling depleted, stuck and beating myself from regrets. JenniJune was fantastic to help me see beyond my words and taught me how to get into my own body for answers.

She worked with my energy field in each session and I'm now feeling more alive than ever and intentionally adding in moments in my days that bring me happiness! I could not have done this without JenniJune's loving support. 

Jacky L. 


"Jenni June holds the most safe and supportive space for healing!"

I've never had a reiki session before, so I was naturally nervous going into the session. Throughout the session, I felt as though I was in a safe space to open up and felt incredibly calm. I felt really peaceful for the first time in a long time. My body was light, and I felt grounded and calm emotionally. Thank you so much! 



"I’m so thankful I found JenniJune when I did!"

JenniJune’s work felt very gentle and kind. I was comfortable sharing my pain and being honest with where I was at. She truly listened and cared- I could of told her anything and I know she would not be judging me but instead holding me in love. 

I did her 7 Chakra week-long cleanse and I'm not sure what and how or why, but the day after each session, I woke up lighter, unburdened, and have been feeling in the flow for the last couple of months.  It was transformational!

Wendy C.


Let the HEALING begin

I'm Ready!

Change your
Self-Love game with Ancient Ayurveda Rituals!

Gain access to the FREE
E-guidebook & the occasional 'when I feel Spirit call' newsletter.


Sacred. Authentic. Multi-sensory.          Portland, Maine