Soul Services 
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Our body is an intricate network of energy pathways. When energy flows smoothly, we feel vibrant, clear and centered. When our channels are blocked, we feel sluggish, dull and foggy. JenniJune's personalized soul cleansing treatments are designed to keep your channels open, spacious and flowing while alleviating any physical ailments. Clear channels allow your inner wisdom to shine through.

Every session is Unique! You'll be wrapped in an angelic blanket as JenniJune tunes into your energy field and listen to your body in order to restore your own innate rhythm. She performs each service with an open heart and mindfulness as soothing aromas, colors, crystals, singing bowls, and herbal oils are woven into the mix depending on your doshic needs.

Sacred.                     Holistic.                 Multi-sensory.


+ Rejuvenation of the Nervous System
+ Provides Mental Clarity
+ Balancing of all Doshas
+ Provides a deep sense of Peace
+ Digestion of the mind: letting go from the past. 
+ Useful when experiencing: Grief, Depression, Anxiety, Insomnia, Headaches, Excessive Thoughts, High Blood Pressure


This iconic treatment works on the subtle energy of the body helping to calm the mind and relieve anxiety. Warm oil is streamed continuously on the forehead for 30-60 minutes, then woven into scalp, followed by energy work in the body. 


120 minutes- $244


+ Opening of blocked chakras in the body
+ Provides a sense of deep peace
+ Release of difficult emotions & traumas sitting energetically in the body
+ Harmonize the nervous, hormonal and circulatory systems
+ Increases Mental Clarity & brings you closer to your authentic self

Ayurvedic Facial

A unique blend of gentle balancing touch activating Marma Points (vital energy points). Customized aromatic oils and precious bronze metals called Kansa wands are glided on the skin to deeply calm, refresh, detoxify and re-energize your face and whole being that will leave you feeling refreshed and glowing.


90 minutes- $144


+ Moves through stagnate energy like grief, stress, anxiety
+ Improved mood and emotional well-being
+ Has potential to clear past life or ancestral blocks causing disfunction
+ Better sleep & Improved mood
+ Enhances Quality of Life
+ May improve physical aliments you are experiencing 

Reiki + Sound Healing

Jenni June specializes in Organ Communication for healing. Using her psychic gifts, she works with your body to move energy to restore the body. Working with working with your spirit guides, our crystal allies,  sound vibrations & life-force energy a Reiki session will help to restore the body & aura. 


Virtual or In Person

90 minutes- $125


Ayurvedic Basti

Localized oil treatments on the body where a wall of dough made of lentil flour and water is created to hold warm oil over the local region of the body. It supports the body’s system in healing muscle, bone and nervous tissue. Most common for the chest, knees, lower back and spine.   


90 Minutes- $184

+ Releases deep emotions of suppressed stress
+ Improves blood circulation, working of the lungs & breath
+ Nourishes the tissues & muscles
+ Relieves lower back pain, 
+ Releases anxiety & brings stability of the mind and emotion
+ Grounding effect on the mind and body

*Customized to your needs after initial consultation 


+ Increased Self-awareness
+ Provides Clarity in Life
+ Helps in decision making
+ Provides sense of inner peace, direction &transparency
+ Focus on improvement areas for your soul growth

Oracle Guidance Reading

Each Intuitive session includes a Tarot and Oracle card reading that includes an overview of: Love and Relationships, Family, Career, Finances, Mind/Body/Spirit, Travel as well as the best and challenging for the next 180 days. From there, we will drill down into more specific questions that you may have. 

What you get

60 minutes- $80

Virtual or In Person

How the Magic Happens

Book your appointment


Step 1: Select your service & book your appointment in the available dates/times in the calendar. 


Fill out questionnaire

Step 2: Shortly after booking, you'll receive a virtual questionnaire to fill out. This helps both you and I to know your current state and where you'd like the most support. 

Step 3: Energy healing is heightened by intention. Give yourself 30 minutes before your. session to check in with how your body is feeling and reflect how what you'd like to get out of the healing session. 

The big day arrives

Step 4: Get ready for zen-mode!
Wear comfy clothes and socks. Eat a light meal a few hours beforehand and drink plenty of water. Then come in, relax and allow for healing to begin. 

Prepare for your session

Let the HEALING begin

I'm Ready!

Change your
Self-Love game with Ancient Ayurveda Rituals!

Gain access to the FREE
E-guidebook & the occasional 'when I feel Spirit call' newsletter.


Sacred. Authentic. Multi-sensory.          Portland, Maine