Pregnancy Loss & Infertilty Suport


Begins Here

Customized Ayurvedic Energy Healing and Intuitive Guidance for women recovering from
Miscarriage & Infertility. 

for the GRIEVING

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Hey There!

Not your typical Healer

I'm JenniJune and I was born in this life to be a bridge between the Spirit World and the Physical World. I've always held an infinite curiosity for the subtle, the unseen but deeply felt. It wasn't until I experienced the heart-shattering grief of two ectopic pregnancies that I began to realize just how real Spirit is while on my grief journey. 

Now, I'm on a soul mission (all thanks to my angel babies) to help you connect with the parts yourself that have been forgotten and lovingly peel back the layers of grief and heartache to feel more present in your body again and re-discover joy!

I do this through the 5000-year-old modality of Ayurveda, Reiki Energy Healing and through my skills as an Intuitive Guide with the ability to communicate with your body's organs, your Spirit Guides/Angels and pass their messages to you. 

Located by the coast of Maine, just outside of Portland, your held in loving support as you shed layers of discomfort, connect to you soul and Spirit Guides, befriend your body again and re-discover what living with joy can look like! 

 MEEt JenniJune

You'll be guided back to love through this e-guidebook that takes you on an inner journey of cultivating the most rich and juicy self-love! Includes recipes & printable journal prompts.

Plus you'll gain access to the 'when I feel spirit call' inspiration shares, energy tips, miracle moments and guided meditations. 

Change your
Self-love Game with Ancient 
Ayurvedic Rituals! 

"Jenni June is truly a miracle worker."

I received reiki from JenniJune and it was an absolutely life changing experience.

 It felt like I was at a spa! She helped me feel comfortable and safe (she even has a heated massage table!) Afterward, she shared an incredible message from my Spirit Guides and my body. The whole experience was incredibly emotional, but I felt really safe and held to release what came up and I've felt a lightness and strong sense of peace ever since. I highly recommend booking with her!

Michelle K. 


"The level of relaxation was unreal." 

My Ayurvedic facial with was absolutely divine. It's amazing how much JenniJune could sense about my entire body just through the Marma points on my face. Without me mentioning it at all and only through touching my face, she knew that I had a knot in my back that she went to working on as well! I was blown away! JenniJune is an incredible, intuitive healer and the Ayurvedic facial was unlike anything I’ve ever experienced! I highly recommend it.

Jules C. 


"JenniJune's deep compassion enveloped me in love every session!"

When I was struggling with pregnancy loss and infertility issues, I could easily find physical and mental health support but nothing to address the wounds and blockages I felt in my soul. Connecting with Jenni was such a wonderful experience for me. Her intuition is amazingly clear and strong because so many messages and insights came up that I could recognize as being very personal for me. The work I've done with her has been incredibly important for my healing and my soul's journey, and I highly recommend her for energetic healing and spirit-based guidance.

Amanda M.


"I found a new level of love for myself!"

I could not have done this without the 4-months I spent in coaching sessions with JenniJune! I came in feeling depleted, stuck and beating myself from regrets. JenniJune was fantastic to help me see beyond my words and taught me how to get into my own body for answers.

She worked with my energy field in each session and I'm now feeling more alive than ever and intentionally adding in moments in my days that bring me happiness! I could not have done this without JenniJune's loving support. 

Jacky L. 


"Jenni June holds the most safe and supportive space for healing!"

I've never had a reiki session before, so I was naturally nervous going into the session. Throughout the session, I felt as though I was in a safe space to open up and felt incredibly calm. I felt really peaceful for the first time in a long time. My body was light, and I felt grounded and calm emotionally. Thank you so much! 



"I’m so thankful I found JenniJune when I did!"

JenniJune’s work felt very gentle and kind. I was comfortable sharing my pain and being honest with where I was at. She truly listened and cared- I could of told her anything and I know she would not be judging me but instead holding me in love. 

I did her 7 Chakra week-long cleanse and I'm not sure what and how or why, but the day after each session, I woke up lighter, unburdened, and have been feeling in the flow for the last couple of months.  It was transformational!

Wendy C.


The vibrations of a sound bath work on a cellular level to recalibrate the mind, body, and spirit. Guided in meditation and held in loving space by Jenni June, her new moon ceremony offers you the opportunity to release what is no longer serving you, calling in a rebirth and a new beginning. With the help of Reiki healing you will shed layers of energetic weight and leave the evening feeling as if you've had a spiritual massage, and walk out with a renewed sense of well-being, calm, and happiness.

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Explore Events

Held around Portland, Maine



The Art of Fall Retreat


2 Church Street
Westbrook, Maine

"Your body's ability to heal is bigger than anyone has led you to believe!"

-heal Documentary


Sacred. Authentic. Multi-sensory.          Portland, Maine